Kategorie:Gebäude: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen
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Version vom 26. Dezember 2006, 19:22 Uhr
Übersicht über die verschiedenene Gebäudekategorien.
Diese Kategorie enthält die folgenden 12 Unterkategorien (12 insgesamt):
- Andere Gebäude (67 S)
- Firmengebäude (38 S)
- Hotels (18 S)
- Museen (15 S)
- Restaurants (75 S)
- Statuen (4 S)
- Vergnügungshöllen (32 S)
- Wohnhäuser (74 S)
Seiten in der Kategorie „Gebäude“
Folgende 620 Seiten sind in dieser Kategorie, von 620 insgesamt.
- A Batter Place (Atomkraftwerk)
- Abercrombie & Snitch
- Abercrombie and Rich
- Adult Education Center
- All Creatures Great and Cheap
- Altenheim
- Amphitheater
- Amt für Lizenzen und Zulassungen
- Android's Dungeon
- Apotheke
- Appartmenthaus in dem Lenny wohnt
- Appliance Zone
- Armenküche
- Around the World News
- Atomhauerei
- Atomkraftwerk
- Atomkraftwerk in China
- Atomkraftwerk in Indien
- Au Naturel
- Aufkleb-Tattoos
- Ayn Rand School for Tots
- Azteken Kino
- Bad Dream House
- Bahnhof
- Bail Bonds
- Ballettakademie
- Bambino Depot
- Banana Dictatorship (Nothing Under A Thousand)
- Banana Dictatorship (Puttering Barn)
- Barney's Bowlarama
- Barneys Wohnung
- Bartles & Jaymes Wine Coolers Stadium
- Barts Baumhaus
- Barts Fabrik
- Bates Motel
- Baumhaushotel
- Berger's Burgers
- Best Western Hotel
- Best Western Union
- Bestattungsinstitut
- Bibliothek
- Big Chicken Poultry Mart
- Bin Ladens Haus
- Biomarkt
- Blutspendezentrum
- Bob's Big Buddha
- Bob's Big Poi
- Bobs Wohnmobil Wagenburg
- Boise Astoria
- Bookaccino's
- Books! Books! And Additional Books!
- Bouviers Haus
- Bratwurstladen
- Briefmarkenmuseum
- Brockmans Haus
- Brød Butik
- BS First Bank of Springfield/Filiale 1
- BS First Bank of Springfield/Filiale 2
- BS First Bank of Springfield/Filiale 3
- BS First Bank of Springfield/Filiale 4
- BS First Bank of Springfield/Filiale 5
- Buckingham Palace
- Buckingham Palace Quick Lube
- Buddhistischer Tempel
- Buick-Händler
- Builder's Barn
- Bunker der Flanders
- Burger King
- Burger Plate
- Burns' Anwesen
- Burns' Hütte
- Busbahnhof
- Cafe Take Out
- Candy Most Dandy
- Capital City Atomkraftwerk
- Capital City Convention Center
- Capital City Plaza Hotel
- Capital City Stadion
- Carl's Cutlets
- Carmel Corn Warehouse
- Carniceria
- Casa Nova
- Casino Platos Republik
- Cavelby's Auction House
- Chalmers' Haus
- Cheddarbarrel Farm
- Chespiritos Haus
- Chez Paris
- Chili Blasters
- Christliche Schule Springfield
- Chuck Dukewagon's
- Circuit Circus
- Civic Center
- Classified Records
- Classy Girls Strip Club
- Closed Signs
- Clown-College
- Cold Navy
- Community Center
- Cookie Colossus
- Coolsville
- Copper Slipper
- Cosmic Wars Ranch
- Costington's
- CostMo Foods
- Couch World
- Crackerfabrik
- Crafty Art's
- Crate and Burial
- Crazy Vaclav's Place of Automobiles
- Crocodile Drunkee's
- Dad Lobster
- David Crosbys Haus
- Death House
- Dentz
- Department of Magical Vehicles
- Der Lockenzwirbler
- Die Comic-Kiste
- Die schmucke Kombüse
- Die schäumenden Schwestern
- Dimwillie's
- Diner zum blinkenden Schild
- Do it yourself, you lazy ass
- Dog Pound
- Donnys Billigtankstelle
- Donutladen
- Dr. Hibberts Praxis
- Dr. Monroes Praxis
- Dr. Nick Rivieras Praxis
- Drehrestaurant
- Drei Jahreszeiten Motel
- Duff Beer Krustyburger Buzz Cola Costington's Department Store Kwik-E-Mart Stupid Flanders Park
- Duff Stadion
- Duff-Brauerei
- Dulles International Airport Washington D. C.
- Düngerfabrik
- Familientherapiezentrum
- Fiesta Terrace
- Flaming Pete's
- Flanders' Haus
- Flanders' Strandhaus
- Floppy's
- Florence of Arabia
- Flughafen
- FoodFellas (Geschäft)
- Formaggi
- Fort Springfield
- Fortune Megastore
- Frauengefängnis
- Frederikskirche
- Freiheitsstatue
- Freizeitzentrum
- Friedhof
- Friseurschule
- Fruit Tree Sale Grow A Pear
- FTX Stadium
- Führerscheinannahmestelle
- Gasso Tankstelle
- General Chang's Taco Italiano
- Gericht
- Gersten Aufbereitungsanlage
- Gersten Museum
- Gersten Mühle
- Gewächshaus
- Girdles N'Such
- Girlesque
- Girls! Girls! Girls!
- Glicks Haus
- Globex
- Glockenturm von Springfield
- Glückliche Leiche
- Googolplex
- Graceland
- Grandmas World
- Grandpas Haus
- Grocery
- Großer Bruder Agentur
- Grundschule
- Grundschule von Westspringfield
- Guitar Central
- Gulp 'N' Blow
- H.R. Muffin Stuff
- Hafen
- Hairy Shearers
- Hamburger Heaven
- Handyman's Choice Copper Tubing
- Happy Gypsy
- Haus der Simpsons
- Haus des alten Buchdruckers
- Haustierfriedhof
- Hermans Militärantiquitäten
- Hibbert Moneymaking Organization
- Hibberts Haus
- Hicksville Recording Studio
- Hillside Wrangler
- Hobbes' Haus
- Hochbegabtenschule
- Hollywood Auto Museum
- Home Security Trust
- Homer's Favorites
- Homers Cousins Haus
- Homers Wohnung in Waverly Hills
- Honest John's Computers
- Hotel Pillowmint
- House of Evil
- Howard's Flowers
- Hunderennbahn
- Hundeschule
- K
- Kanal 6
- Kanal Ocho
- Kapitol
- Karaoke Supplier
- Karls Haus
- Kartonagenfabrik
- KBBL Fernsehstudio
- KBBL Radio
- Kentucky Fried Chicken
- Kinderpsychiatrie
- King Toot's Music Store
- Kirche
- Kissenfabrik
- Kitchen-Maid INC.
- Klein Lisa Recycling Fabrik
- Klosterschule
- Klub des ehrenwerten Geschäftsmanns
- Knowledgum
- Knoxville Wig Outlet
- Kopenhagener Flughafen
- Krabappels Wohnung
- Krankenhaus
- Kriegsgedenkstadion
- Krustofkis Haus
- Krusty Burger
- Krustylu Studios
- Krustys Haus
- KUDD Radio
- Kunstakademie
- Kwickee & Sons
- Kwik-E-Mart
- Künstliche Kotze GmbH
- L.A. Body Works
- Lanley Institute of Monorail Conducting
- Lard Lad Donuts
- Le Pamperie
- Le Snotterie
- Lenny's Leftlovers
- Leonards Haus
- Li'l Ludwig's Music School
- Li'l Valu-Mart
- LifeBoat Stadium
- Lil' Vicki Valentine's School of Dance
- Lincoln Center
- Lincoln Memorial
- Linksherum
- Loose Chandeliers
- Los Angeles Forum
- Louies Haus
- Lovejoys Haus
- Lucky's Records
- Luftwaffle's (Atomkraftwerk)
- Luigi's
- Luigi's Italiano (Atomkraftwerk)
- Lullabuys
- Lush Valley Winery
- Mac's
- Madame Chao's
- Maison Derrière
- Maklerbüro "Stinkender Fisch"
- Mao's
- Mapple Hauptquartier
- Mapple Store
- Marine World
- Markups & Spender
- Martial Arts Academy
- Mason Fairbanks' Haus
- Mattinglys Haus
- Mayo Klinik
- Mc Mahon and Tate Advertising Agency
- McCallisters Haus
- McDonald’s
- Medizinische Bibliothek
- Medizinisches Forschungszentrum
- Messehalle
- Meth-Labor
- Miami of Ohio
- Mini Moe's
- Miscellaneous, Etc.
- Moe's Express
- Moes Bar
- Moes Haus
- Monoclecrafters
- Monstromart
- Montgomery Burns Institute for Soul Extraction
- Mook-E-Mart
- Morningwood Strafanstalt
- MoviePass Stadium
- Mr. Burns' Casino
- Mr. Hutz' Anwaltskanzlei
- Mt. Swartzwelder Historic Cider Mill
- Mud City
- Muff Mart
- Municipal House of Cakes
- Muschelburg
- Museum of Suffering
- Music World
- Mussel & Flanks
- Mustarderie
- Mælk Smør Ost
- Müllkippe
- Painless Dentistry
- Paradise Pier
- Pay & Park & Pay
- Pentagon
- Pepis Haus
- Pferderennbahn
- Phineas Q. Butterfat
- Pizza Hot
- Plastic Surgery Center
- Playboy-Villa
- Plunderer Pete's
- Plywood Heights Apartments
- Polizeirevier
- Ponyfarm
- Pool Sharks
- Post
- Powell Motors
- Powells Anwesen
- Powells Haus
- Praxis von Dr. Zitofsky
- Princes Haus
- Princess Opal Potions, Hexes and Fax Machine
- Psychiatrie
- Saftenthafterfabrik
- Salvador's Deli
- Sandpapiermuseum
- Sauerstoff-Bar
- Schiefer Turm von Pisa
- Schiefer Turm von Pizza
- Schlachthaus
- Schokoladenfabrik
- Schuhgeschäft
- Schwefelabbaubetrieb
- Sexy Boxen
- Sh-t Kickers
- Sha-Boom Ka-Boom!-Café
- Shameful Eddie's
- Shapes
- Shelbyville Kernkraftwerk
- Shelbyville Orphanage
- Shelbyville Tankstelle
- Shorty's
- Shot Kickers
- Shotgun Pete's
- Shøp
- Simpsons Farm
- Simpsons Haus
- Simpsons Haus (OABF08)
- Simpsons Haus (QABF18)
- Simpsons Hausboot
- Simpsons' Wohnung
- Singendes Steakhaus
- Sir Putt-A-Lot's
- Sit 'n' Weep
- Skinners Haus
- Sleep-Eazy Motel
- Slide Factory
- Smithers' Haus
- Snakes Haus
- Snugglers Cove
- Sons of Sicily Hall
- Southern Cracker
- Speed-E-Mart
- Spineless Wonders
- Spinster City Appartments
- Sprawl Mart
- Springfield A&M
- Springfield Air and Space
- Springfield Antiquitäten
- Springfield Atoms Stadium
- Springfield Auto
- Springfield Books
- Springfield Cleaner
- Springfield Coliseum
- Springfield Copy Shop
- Springfield Costume Shop
- Springfield Diner
- Springfield Hardware
- Springfield High School
- Springfield Hyatt
- Springfield Laundromat
- Springfield Meatball Factory
- Springfield Mystery Spot
- Springfield Palace of Fine Art
- Springfield Place
- Springfield Rent-a-Car
- Springfield Roller Disco
- Springfield Samenbank
- Springfield School for the Deaf
- Springfield Shopper (Gebäude)
- Springfield Square Garden
- Springfield Staatsgefängnis
- Springfield Stadium
- Springfield State Building
- Springfield Tapas
- Springfield Tennisstadion
- Springfield Toxic Waste Dump
- Springfield Trade Center
- Springfield Union Station
- Springfield Zoo
- Springfield-X
- Springfielder Historikergesellschaft
- Springfielder Rennstrecke
- Springsonian Museum
- Spucklers Haus
- St. Jeromes’
- St. Shondaland Animal Hospital
- St. Teresa
- Stadion (Wahlkampfreden)
- Stadthalle
- Starrbucks
- Statue von Jebediah Springfield
- Steinmetz Clubhaus
- Stoner's Pot Palace
- Stu's Disco
- Studio 54
- Stuff-N-Hug
- Subway
- Sundance Film Festival (Gebäude)
- Super Hain Naturfarm
- Supplies For The Blind
- Swankyfish
- Swapper Jack's
- Sweet Home Alabama (Laden)
- Synagoge
- Taj Mahal
- Tapas Bar
- Tex-ida Football Academy
- The Aristocrat
- The Beer 'N' Brawl
- The Brushes are coming
- The China Syndrome
- The Corpulent Cowboy
- The Draft Pigs Center for the Performing Arts
- The Ear Piercery
- The Elegant Scoundrel
- The Family Jewels
- The Frying Dutchman
- The Frying Dutchman (Atomkraftwerk)
- The Gilded Truffle
- The Gilded Truffle (Atomkraftwerk)
- The Happy Sailor
- The Happy Sumo
- The Hate Box
- The Herschel Krustofsky School for the Clowning Arts
- The Hungry Hun
- The Java Server
- The Jazz Hole
- The Jerky Hut
- The Leaf Garret
- The League of Extra-Horny Gentlemen
- The Live Free Or Diner
- The Paralyzer
- The Peak Inn
- The Perm Bank
- The Pitiless Pup Attack Dog School
- The Popcorn Shack
- The Rusty Barnacle
- The Seatery
- The Slaughterhouse
- The Sole Provider
- The Tam O'Shanter Connection
- The Wrinkled Arms Apartments
- Tierklinik
- Tierverarbeitungsanlage
- Tingeltangel Bobs Haus
- Tipsy McStagger's Research Lab
- Toilet World
- Tom O'Flanagan's Pub
- Toms Wohnung
- Top of the Staircase Grill
- Toys
- Toys "L" Us
- Trottelkopf
- Try-N-Save
- Tuition Academy
- Turn your Head and Coif
- Two Guys from Kabul
- Van Houtens Haus
- Van Houtens Haus (Milhouse & Lisa)
- Vandersniff & Whiffly
- Vaterschaftsinstitut
- Versicherungsgesellschaft Fröhliche Witwe
- Vesuvius Pizza
- Veterans of Popular Wars
- VHS Village
- Villa am Ende der Easy Street
- Villa von Basinger und Baldwin
- Volkshochschule
- Volkskunstmuseum
- Vorschule Springfield
- Vulgari (Aspen)
- Vulgari (Springfield, Towne Centre)
- Vulgari (Springfield, West Oak Street)
- Wachsmuseum
- Waisenhaus
- Waisenhaus Shelbyville
- Wall E. Weasels
- Washington Monument
- Watergate Hotel
- Waterville Staatsgefängnis
- Waverly Hills Grundschule
- We Have Restrooms!
- Wee Monsieur
- Weißes Haus
- Wes Doobners weltberühmte Familien-Spare-Ribs-Hütte
- Westminster Abbey
- Who's to Know Motel
- Wicked Excess
- Wickel-Baby-Buby-Baby-Sitter-Service
- Wiggums Haus
- William MacMorans Hütte
- Williams' Haus
- Willies Haggis-Verkaufsstand
- Wimbledon Tennisstadion
- Winifred Beecher Howe Gedenkstätte
- Wolfcastles Anwesen
- World Trade Center