Titel: Conflicts 'n' Clashes
Datum: 26.09.2023 (Abo)
Preis: £4.99
Verlag: Titan Comics
Cover: Jason Ho
Mike Rote
Publisher: Matt Groening
Editor in Chief: Chris Ungar
Managing Editor: Terry Delegeane
Director of Operations: Bob Zaugh
Editor: Calum Collins
Designer: Donna Askem
Group Editor: Jake Devine
Editorial Assistant: Ibraheem Kazi
Editor: Phoebe Hedges
Art Director: Oz Browne
Production Manager: Jackie Flook
Production Controllers: Caterina Falqui & Kelly Fenlon
Sales & Circulation Manager: Steve Tothill
Marketing Coordinator: Lauren Noding
Publicity & Sales Coordinator: Alexandra Iciek
Publicist: Caitlin Storer
Digital & Marketing Manager: Jo Teather
Head of Rights: Jenny Boyce
Head of Creative & Business Development: Duncan Baizley
Publishing Directors: Ricky Claydon & John Dziewiatkowski
Group Operations Director: Alex Ruthen
Executive Vice President: Andrew Sumner
Publishers: Vivian Cheung & Nick Landau


  1. War Is Smelly!
  2. Ragin' Abe Simpson's Battle Round-up
  3. The Great Springfield Donut War!
  4. Zone Wars
  5. In His Own Image


  • Next Time in

britische Simpsons Comics


Vol. 2

